DESIGN / ARCHITECTURE / ARTinfo@habitable.studio
t. (+1) 530 507 8896

HABITABLE activities can be divided into human-scale urban research, micro-living research, and applied projects ranging from educational, micro residential, and modular furniture, all of which are linked by the common theme of “small is beyond beautiful.”


Economy + Ecology + Elegance

A Habitable space is
one that changes
just as our lives change.

Habitable spaces emphasize precise proportions and a sense of spatial freedom.

We believe that design contributes to ecology, health, and economic progress. In our projects, nature and architecture coexist in a symbiotic relationship.


Habitable Studio creates
transformable environments
for living, working, and playing.

HABITABLE emphasizes flexibility and elegance across projects of multiple scales.

Our designs embody thoughtful simplicity, meticulous materiality, and adept play with light and proportion.


Dynamic Co-working Spaces
Flexible Living Environments
Joyful MicroLiving

Online Design Consultations 

Our work introduces an adaptable form of architecture. To transform your space, we will act as an emissary between the building's potential and your needs and wishes.

We carefully study the natural and cultural context before developing our ideas. With our culturally rich perspective and decades of design experience, we are skilled in infusing your environment with efficiency, harmony, and joy.

“Marta’s expertise of maximizing small spaces is without compare.” Jay Marroquin, client.


“Small is not only beautiful, small implies experimentation, ecology, economy, efficiency, and intimacy. Small things make a big impact!”



Marta Rodriguez started her career as an architect in 2004 at OMA (Office for Metropolitan Architecture)/Rem Koolhaas in Rotterdam. She was part of the team that won the international competition to design the New Court Rothschild Bank in London.

In 2006, while working at an Engineering company (Ingenor) in Madrid, she won the first prize in the competition for designing the new University Library of the South Campus of the UPM in Madrid. From 2007 to 2009, Marta collaborated with Lahoz Lopez Architects in designing and developing schools and hospitals, including the expansion of the Toledo National Hospital of Paraplegics and San Gil Abad Public School in Cuenca.

In 2008, she initiated her own practice in Madrid, winning several awards in public architectural competitions. These included the first prize in a competition for designing a University Research Center for the University of Valladolid (2010), the second prize for designing a research & classroom building facility for the UVA (2009), and the second prize in the architectural competition for building Affordable Housing for Young People in Cordoba (2008).

In 2013, after extensive studies at UC Berkeley and Science Po in Paris, and research in Tokyo, Marta earned her Ph.D. in Architecture (ETSAM), specializing in Japanese architecture and French Design. Interview

Subsequently, she moved to Houston in 2014, becoming an Associate Professor (tenured since 2020) at the Gerald D. Hines College of Architecture and Design. She teaches the "Intergenerational, Compact, Communal Living" architectural design studio and the "Design for Dignity and Ethics for the City" seminar. Her research primarily centers on collective housing, joyful micro-living, and inclusive human-scale urban design.

In 2020, Marta founded HABITABLE Studio, a design firm focused on creating healthy, sustainable, inclusive, and transformable environments, indoors and outdoors.

Marta's research-driven design approach has been featured in numerous design and architecture publications. In 2021, she authored a book on Charlotte Perriand and Kazuyo Sejima, a manifesto reflecting her philosophy that advocates bringing a more humanistic and ecological sensitivity into the built environment. Marta has also created an online journal, Habitable City, which promotes a more egalitarian, connected, safe, and livable city.


Marta Rodriguez
Founder & Principal - Architect, Professor, Author, and         Architecture & Design Consultant.

+ Michael LindemannArchitectural Designer.

+ Collaborators since 2008:
Lené Fourie, Alejandra Velazquez, Dijana Handanovic, Tuan Mai, Ghazal Saliman, Ingrid Selse, Emine Canak, Eirik Erstad, Marta de las Heras, Alejandro Sanz, Rafael Ureña, Natalia Varela.

DESIGN / ARCHITECTURE / ARTinfo@habitable.studio
t. (+1) 530 507 8896



Habitable City
Promoting a more egalitarian, connected, safe, and LIVABLE city    
Subtle Revolution
SMALL is not only beautiful but sustainable and has enabled architectural subtle revolution beyond borders and times.

info@habitable.studio t. (+1) 530 507 8896




Transformable Housing is a project that aims to increase density in San Francisco while maintaining the character of the city. Negotiable spaces and tiny apartments can be lived in independently or become an addition to different units, creating an incremental and adaptable system of living. 

A variety of apartment dimensions and living experiences allow the entire project to be like a playful transformable system, with endless possibilities of association. 

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Collective Housing

San Francisco, CA (2020-21)

Increasing density in San Francisco, while maintaining its character. Joyful micro-living.  


Bai-Bai Furniture offers a place to work, create, and collaborate; allows people to connect socially thanks to its organic shape. 

It is an “infinite” and sinuous co-working table, whose modular condition makes it affordable while allowing countless configurations for working in small or large groups. 

Playful curtains make moments of privacy possible. Bai-Bai configures inspiring workspaces in coffee shops, Montessori schools, libraries, and hybrid offices. 

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Habitable Furniture (2021-22)

Our modular furniture makes living more fun and working more creative.


“In renovating our 1940 shotgun house in East Downtown, we reached out to multiple architects. After conversations and on-site visits by 5 or more of them, we went with Marta. This was based on the feeling that she understood the scope of our project, that this was an old house built in the 40s, and that it would need a lot of work. We felt she was genuine but more than anything, she brought a PASSION to our project that not a single other architect had. At one point, I was like ‘Is she moving in with us’ with her intimate knowledge of our goals and excitement for the project. I would beg people to reach out and talk to her. She thinks different (...)”

Jay Marroquin, client, Houston, TX, 2021. Full testimony on LinkedIn

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Home Transformation
Houston (2021-23)

Expansion and renovation of a shotgun house in Houston.


A pipe and a curtain allow for the joys of life, a private retreat for creatures to enjoy. Living is playing in the garden, the Eden of Pleasure, where all can freely participate in the delights of the new age: a life of art.

This prototype is a novel structure, where performance becomes joy and a simple piece of fabric indulges the hidden desires of the Ludens of the 2020s, unbound from traditional architecture.

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House of the Future
Japan (2020)

The 47th NISSHIN KOGYO Architectural Competition “Living upon the PLAY”


The entire project utilizes modular systems and prefabrication, which makes it economically wise at the same time creates interactive boundaries. It is a flexible and adaptable system that can be built in phases according to the dweller’s needs as well as urban conditions.

Most of the apartments have more than one entrance. Different access points allow for flexibility of the dwellings: renting rooms, living independently from the family nucleus, or adapting to changes in the familial environment.

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Collective Housing
Oakland (2020-22)

Exploring the regenerative capacities of living together. Joyful micro-living.  


H-Shelves is a ludic design that creates, configures, reinvents, and qualifies space. Inspired by the Japanese Tokonoma, it is a structure in which items for artistic appreciation, including ikebana flower arrangements, are displayed.

7 modules, each with different dimensions, offer endless possibilities for creative combinations. They serve as kitchen space, a living room area, or co-working furniture; dividing a room or connecting and configuring an intimate atmosphere.

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Habitable Furniture (2020-21)

modular + adaptable + transformable + multifunctional + made of sustainable wood + easy to move + sold independently or as a set


Double City, located in Amsterdam, on the north side of the IJ River, acts as a pivotal point between industrial and residential areas. The project proposes to reinvent the concept of a traditional or pre-industrial city. Urban renewal is based on combining habitation, innovation, and production to reinvigorate the fabric of the “European City.”

A ‘Living Lab’ model that showcases a circular economy. Experimentation, research, and innovation are implemented; merging human working time and lifetime in an optimistic way.

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Collective Housing
Amsterdam (2018)

Reinventing the Productive City in Amsterdam.
EUROPAN 14 competition, "Productive Cities"


Urban Biombo is a mobile modular prototype that allows the inhabitant to define and redefine their space to accommodate all aspects of contemporary living and working.

Urban Biombo is a new “equipment” suitable for a house, an office, a loft, a warehouse, a clothing boutique, or a bookshop. Its dynamic quality creates multiple lively possibilities and configurations: to work, play, exhibit, investigate, rest, or create.

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Habitable Furniture (2019)

Reinventing De Messina’s Study of St. Jerome

“Take your pleasure seriously.” Charles Eames


Soft and adaptable wall prototypes that shape versatile, multifunctional environments.

How can we design spaces to flexibly evolve with human life? Habitable Curtains revolutionize the way we envision space, offering adaptability to both divide and connect.

Prototype 01 - Room Divider: A fluid wall providing intimacy for extra-small spaces and extra-large environments.

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Fluid Wall

Configurable (2023)

Work in progress / Experimental phase.


The "Fan Home" project embodies an innovative micro-home concept that redefines small-scale living. This prefabricated system allows individuals to easily purchase and install units in their gardens, creating self-contained homes without the need for sewage connections. The design features walls made of unfolding curtains. Inside, a compact layout unfolds like a travel trunk, revealing a versatile living space with areas defined by fabric walls that adjust like a fan. 

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Joyful Micro Living
Competition (2024)

Work in progress / Innovative phase.


The entire project utilizes modular systems and prefabrication, making it economically wise and creating interactive boundaries. It is a flexible and adaptable system that can be built in phases according to the dweller’s needs as well as urban conditions.

Living Together in Container Homes
A luxurious experience within affordable construction, Haina, Dominican Republic (2022)

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Collective Housing

Cordoba, Spain (2007)
AWARD: Second Prize

Affordable Housing for Young People in Cordaba. Joyful micro-living.  


“The famous architect Rafael Moneo qualifies the project by Marta Rodriguez as realistic. (…) Rafael Moneo praised the lightness of the project and its attention to the context and the site, which can be understood ‘in continues relationship with the park’.”

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Academic Building

Valladolid, Spain (2010)
AWARD: First Prize

University Research Center  University of Valladolid  

PRESS: El Norte de Castilla newspaper.


The building uses the slope of the site to offer different levels of interaction with the body: the same slope creates areas to sit down outside, to work inside, or to sit down in the auditorium.

New ecologies that attempt to overcome the opposition between nature and culture.

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Academic Building
Valladolid, Spain (2009)
AWARD: Second Prize

Building for Science  University of Valladolid

PRESS: “Joung Talents” Public El Norte de Castilla newspaper.


The Children’s Library creates an experiential environment that unfolds like origami from the paper factory. Two doors open to a world of imagination and wonder, like a big, secret garden.

The library and the paths that intertwine around, through, over, and under it intersect and create multiple long promenades to discover through reading, learning, and playing in versatile spaces. Noise zones are arranged to the south, while reading areas are to the north, taking advantage of natural light.  

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Children's Library

Collodi, Italy (2018)

A World of Imagination and Wonder.


The building has a continuity of nature (air, light, and vegetation), which acts as a pergola. By constructing a multiple-level building there will be a continued opportunity to be connected to the landscape.

 The building frees people, offering multiple choices to the users.

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Academic Building

Madrid, Spain (2005-2007)
UPM Library
AWARD: First Prize


“Marta is, in a few words, a fabulous architect; imaginative, effective, and decisive. In her collaborative works, she immediately stands out for her ability to bring original approaches to the design process, easily finding simple solutions to complex problems. I had the pleasure of working with her years ago. From those shared projects with her, my admiration remains for her innate talent, intelligence, intuition, deep knowledge of Architecture, and love for our profession.”

Luis Marcos Díaz, Director de proyectos en GA MMA, 2022. See full testimony on LinkedIn

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Academic Building

Cuenca, Spain (2006-09)
AWARD: First Prize

“San Gil Abad” Primary School in Cuenca  
Competition team - Marta Rodriguez @
Lahoz Lopez


“The structure’s form minimizes competition with its two historically prominent neighbors, establishing an urban connection through a series of stacked cubic volumes. at the street, the mass is lifted to allow pedestrian access through a glass lobby. The transparent enclosure reveals the medieval roads which border the base, visually connecting to the 400-year-old church on the opposing side of the site. structural steel and dark glazing define the external aesthetic.” (designboom)

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Office Building

London, England (2005-2011)
AWARD: First Prize

Rothschild Headquarters
Competition Team - Marta Rodriguez © OMA

Published in Arquitectura Viva - AV Monographs 178-179: Rem Koolhaas OMA/AMO 2000-2015


“Functioning as a programmatic sandwich, the upper lower layers fold or converge to respond to different interior/exterior pressures along its length: separating to accommodate the conference hall and auditorium; converging to define the hotel lobby; lifting to allow Miraflores Park and the street to continue through to the specified site. To the south, the main volumes of the conference center and auditorium project from the slab; a ramp between the two marks the formal entrance to the complex.” 

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Multifunctional Building
Cordoba, Spain (2001-04)

Project Development Team - Marta Rodriguez © OMA

t. (+1) 530 507 8896